Wednesday, July 2, 2014

♥ Fiebre Amarilla :: ♥ Yellow Fever

Durante el ultimo mes, todos en mi familia hemos estado sufriendo de fiebre amarilla. Aunque en realidad tuvimos que aplicarnos la vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla que es transmitida por los mosquitos en algunas partes de SurAmerica, de todas formas resultamos contagiados con el entusiasmo que inspira la camiseta amarilla de la seleccion de Colombia. 
During the last month everyone in my family has been suffering from yellow fever. Although we had to get vaccine against yellow fever transmitted by mosquitoes in some parts of South America, we got infected with the enthusiasm that inspired the yellow shirt of the Colombian Team. 

Despues de mucho planeamiento, un poco de logistica y algunos ahorros, decidimos seguir, literalmente, paso a paso a la seleccion de Colombia que esta participando en la Copa del Mundo FIFA 2014.

After much planning, a bit of logistics and some savings, we decided to literally follow step by step the selection of Colombia that is participating in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

En un comienzo era como un sueño, poder asistir a la copa del mundo en Brasil en donde todos quisieramos estar. Afortunadamente todas las cosas se dieron, los planetas se alinearon y finalmente fuimos conquistamos y regresamos a casa.  Tuvimos  la suerte de asistir a los cuatro  primeros partidos de  nuestra seleccion colombiana, apoyarlos y verlos ganar cada unos de ellos.

 At first it was a dream to attend the World Cup in Brazil. The World Cup is where all of us want to be.  Fortunately things went well, all the planets lined up, and we finally went, conquered, and returned home. We were very lucky to attend the first four games of our Colombian team, support them, and see them win every one of them.

Disfrutamos de un clima maravilloso, con unos pocos mosquitos, pero con un ambiente festivo del mundial de futbol que se crea con todos los fanaticos de diferentes partes del mundo. Tambien de una gran variedad de comida preparada con una gran diversidad de ingredientes. Ademas y como no podia faltar, tambien mucha inspiracion y algo de tejido a mano con aguja de crochet. Finalmente de la calidez de los brasileros  especialmente de los amigos que ya empezamos a extrañar.

We enjoyed a wonderful climate with few mosquitoes, but with a festive atmosphere of the World Cup that is created with all the fans from around the world. Also, we ate different types of food prepared with a wide variety of ingredients. Furthermore, there was too much inspiration and some crochet could not be absent. Finally, we enjoyed the warmth of Brazilians especially friends who are already beginning to be missed.

Ahora la Seleccion de Colombia esta entre las mejores ocho selecciones del mundo con Alemania, Holanda, Belgica, Francia, Costa Rica, Argentina, y Brasil. El proximo partido se jugara en la cuidad de Fortaleza  el viernes de esta semana. Vamos a estar pegados al televisor para seguir apoyando a nuestro equipo .

Now The Colombian Soccer Team is among the top eight teams in the world with Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Brazil. The next game will be played in the city of Fortaleza on Friday this week. We will be glued to the TV to continue to support our team.

♥ Que gane Colombia o que pierda Brasil…… Que sea lo que Dios quiera.
Colombia to win or lose Brazil ........  May it be what God wants.

(Photos: © Gloria Villamil)


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun!! Glad to have you back home safe and sound.

    1. I'd like to tell you more about our adventure over a coffee ;) See you soon!xxx

  2. Great pics Patty gloria! It looks that you had a fab time. Thank you for sharing all these gorgeous photos and the diversity of things and fantastic colours.

  3. We loved it! The atmosphere was vibrant and the people very kind and warm. <3
    I will check on your FB updates from your Turkey trip. Enjoy!
